Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Monday!...rarely do most people look forward to Monday, but when you're on vacation...Monday is just another day to play. The nice thing about this Monday was that all of the busy weekend activities (all good things but busy none the less) had passed and there was more time to just hang with the people we came to visit with. When I awoke, the teenagers were draped across the furniture talking and texting. I told them it would be a great idea to come up with and activity or one might be arranged for them. They decided on putt-putt golfing. A camera was sent with them but unfortunately it didn't work. So everyone who chooses to do so will just have to imagine the fun and frivolity that ensued. Cole tells me he and Kyle won overall but he readily admitted to some cheating. I told him that was okay...Putt-Putt was essentially created to be cheated on.

While they were gone most adults took the time to exercise. I chose not to...I am an individual and I will NOT be forced to follow the crowd! After exercise everyone sat and chatted poolside. When the kids returned most quickly jumped in the pool to cool off and just have fun.

Above is Bryan being cute yet pensive.
Below is Anna...what you can barely see is Abby, who's back Anna is riding on. Abby took countless trips up and down the length of the pool with Anna on her back.
The series of pictures below will NEVER cease to make me smile. Samantha and Jordan were the first two kids to arrive and make the adults of our group parents. And though they are far from perfect, they have both been extreme blessings to us. They have been great examples of Godly, loving children to the younger kids in the group. They are, almost always, willing to do what is asked of them, including at this moment when we said, "hey Jordan and Samantha, hold hands and jump in the pool so I can take your picture." Nobody required them to look like they were having such fun while doing it though...that is all them! They are both college kids now...Samantha starting her sophomore year at Huntington this fall and Jordan his freshman year at Alfred State. The "real" world is going to be a better place because these two are in it.

If I were home and could find the picture I would post here the one of Samantha at one and a half holding a six week old Jordan the first time they met. It would be priceless...but you will just have to imagine it. Suffice it to say that, although they only see each other once, maybe twice, a year, ALL of these kids have a connection, with each other, that I believe, I pray, will carry on long after their parents have ceased to be earthly beings.

Another favorite past time poolside is a game called Dibble Dabble. I'm not sure where we first played it but I know it is a familiar, staple to our time together. One person jumps in the pool with a golf tee in their hand. They then proceed to let go of the golf tee and splash the water around them as much as they can to make it hard to see. The others stand on the side of the pool. When they spy the tee they shout "Dibble Dabble" and jump in after it. Of course, more than one can spy it at one time; which is usually the case; and jump in at the simultaneously from opposite sides of the pool. Surprisingly, no cracked skulls have resulted from the game to date.
Above; Travis victoriously clutches the golf tee in his fingers as Quinn, in the background roars in disappointment (probably not really but that is far cooler than what was really going on with Quinn here. She was probably just shaking water off her face).
Anna and Jordan wait patiently for the tee to surface.
Travis, as always, giving anything he does his all.While the youngers and the olders were swimming, Kyle, Cole, and Sam were down in the "cellar" doing a P90X workout. Years ago, the summer before their senior year in PT school, Mike, Mario and Kevin went on a camping trip and decided to grease themselves up and pose for pictures showing off the results of their intense work-outs...So the moms asked for the boys to stand proud like their daddies had done. Cole was less than thrilled with this idea since he is clearly the palest and "least buff"...but it will be an inspiration for him and he is genetically predisposed to "buffness" so there is limitless potential. As for being the shortest?...well...who knows about that.
After they posed on the edge of the pool (after being pushed in countless times trying to set up for the picture) they all jumped in and posed themselves this way...being "buff" AND having a sense of humor about yourself?....PRICELESS

and just for fun we add a flying sister:-)

All in all these are great kids...we have had our struggles, what parent doesn't? But, as I look back over the years, I am honored to know each of them. What a privilege to be a part of their lives.

1 comment:

  1. Obviously a great time is being had by all! When do you guys come home? We must walk and I need to meet the new dog. And...I forget how I got music on my blog, but I will look into it.
