Saturday, September 4, 2010

I never seem to be able to come up with a title for my blog. I think it is because I feel like a title should be created first, but I never really know what I'm going to say until I say it. This is true in all of my's gotten me into trouble occasionally, but it usually makes people laugh, so it's a fair trade-off for me.

Today was a super day. The heat and oppressive humidity, which I find far from endearing, finally broke and I was able to step outside without feeling the constant stream of "butt sweat" racing down my back side. If you've had it you know of what I speak...if you have never experienced it...please refrain from commenting. Those of us who know the debilitating horrors of "butt sweat" do not need to hear from the likes of you, with your sweat free buttocks.

But none of that really matters...because today?...butt sweat free. Speaking of sweat...the other day, when Kevin was going through boxes in our basement after our third flood of the season, he found a crate of "memorabilia" of mine. He found a "love note" from a high school boyfriend. He said, "I was unaware you kept any of those". I said, "was it the one where he called me "sweatie" instead of "sweetie"? Because, that was a darn good reason to keep a "love note" if you ask me.

So, back to today. I worked out with my BFF "Just Jan" Chilcote. We have been "getting buff" in the SAU weight room. So far I think "buff" is unaware of us sneaking up on him but, he'll have to take notice of us eventually. For me, "buff" has a good fight on his hands to be noticed around "pudgy" but I am doing my best for him.

After a motivational workout, where we mapped out the future of our familys (her's and mine...and yes, Kevin is coming too...we are all going to open a Christian camp near Houghton Lake, our children will be homeschooled yet NOT geeky and Janice will teach them about bugs...but not mosquitoes, cause we hate those little guys). I drove Cole and some of his friends to the golf course. I then returned home to laze about on the computer whilst Abby cleaned the house (which I paid her to do). I also fried up some chicken to make chicken tacos for the planned evening festivities known as "dinner with friends". Took Abby to her friend's house, had the oil changed in the van, picked up Cole and friends from the golf course, drove about "the Arbor" picking up more of Cole's friends to come play football at our house. Many parents would have said, "no, not tonight, we are expecting company". But I, as a mom, believe the house is just as much my children's as mine, and their friends are always welcome. So I came home and donned my plastic glove to rid the yard of dog poop, because...while the friends are welcome, the clods of dog doo they bring in on their shoes is NOT.

I really like this group of boys. In a purely maternal sense. They seem to have a great grasp on the true idea of friendship. Plus, when they are having fun they still giggle like little girls. I kind of hope the next four years of high school goes by slowly so I can enjoy having them around.


I hate the cliche words, "it seems like only yesterday"...because it doesn't really. Yesterday seems like yesterday. But, it doesn't seem like it was very long ago that I was watching Samantha and her friends in her freshman year of high school, playing football in the side yard. And Cole and Connor were just the, rounder than tall, little brothers...and now it is them who are leading the pack of fun loving footballers in our, feces free, side yard. I also don't feel like "stopping time" like so many others suggest. I really find my children, and their friends, so fascinating. I'm having such a great time watching them grow and change and prepare to take on the world. I just want to see what they'll do next. But I'll freeze time in pictures, and I'll always have those. I think, no matter how old I get, the smell of fall will always remind me of slightly stinky, sweaty, kids hanging out in the kitchen "rehydrating" after a game of pigskin in the yard. At least I hope so...



  1. Cursed coffee got me too. I blame KB.

  2. his fault without a doubt...did you notice my reaction when, after drinking the stuff for a while I found it wasn't decaf? He did it on purpose the planner of evil!

  3. I love reading your blog...usually a tear forms in my one or both of my eyes b/c you are so REAL and I admire that about you Jill!! Oh and by the way I I love you boys as well!!

  4. Your home is always the place for kids to hang, don't you love that? I know the answer. A place to hang, be comfortable and feel safe. Nice!
