Monday, September 20, 2010

I can touch "crazy"

I can touch "crazy". I dance around it's edges. I have all my life. I'm not talking "Ted Bundy crazy". Nor Sylvia Plath (is that the name of someone who killed themselves?). Even in my darkest moments I've never thought life to be not worth living. Quite the opposite, I've always thought it would be a shame to not see what the next moment holds.

When I was younger I lived in a fantasy world. If I had lived in the world of today's children I would have been diagnosed with ADHD and put on some type of medication. That might have been okay. But, I tell my kids all the time that I don't think I would want to change my past if it meant a different outcome of my present. I can't see a way of changing my past to bring me to the present I currently have. And I'm a super big fan of the present I currently have.

Now I am on medication. Just a small dose of something that takes the edge off the high's and low's. But, sometimes I forget to refill the medication...and I think sometimes I do it on purpose, because the first thing a day without Cymbalta does is allows me to feel everything. Notice how I wrote everything in purple? Because, that is kind of what it feels like...purple. After a few hours of purple though, it heads into this muddy greenish-brown that is neither pretty nor inviting to live with. So I have to be careful. I only want to dance around the edges of crazy. I don't want to dive all the way in.

This is me on my honeymoon...back when I was sexy on the outside too:-)


  1. Jill, your STILL a SEXY MAMA!!!

    I was on Xantax a few years ago because I was having some major panic attacks. I still don't know what the exact cause was but something tells me it came in the form of 4 female human beings I was taking care of. Sometimes I wish I was still on it. I only took if for a couple of weeks, but I was SO much more laid back.

    I really wish I was more carefree like you are! That is such a great trait to have! ROCK ON SEXY LADY!!

  2. laid back is awesome..take the meds:-)
