Wednesday, November 17, 2010

brief musings from November, brought to you by; the month of October.

It is the 17th of November. I have checked my last was the 18th of October...ya'll probably think I have had nothing happen in the past 30 days. Or perhaps..."ya'll" haven't been thinking about me at all. That is too crushing to even imagine so I will pretend that you have been waiting with bated breath (I don't really know what that sounds like a periodontal issue) but at any rate...pull up a toothbrush and some Listerine because I HAVE been doing stuff and now I'm going to write it all down for you to will add pictures for those of you who feel words are overrated.

When last we spoke, Kevin and I were about to celebrate our 21st wedding anniversary. We did that. I celebrated at a JV football game in the general northwest area of Jackson county. Kevin celebrated at Gallagher park, coaching Travis' U-11 soccer team.Photobucket

Cole is number 83, just in case you were wondering. I don't have a picture of Kevin coaching that night so you will just have to imagine it. The football game ended in a loss but also ended the season. Since that time Cole has waffled back and forth about playing football next year. He really wants to play the games. Especially since next year his best friend will likely be on the team also. He thinks football is fun. He thinks football coaches who think football is "life" ruin the game for him. This is true of so many sports. It's high school folks...simmer down:-)

Our next fun event was Kevin getting horribly ill for like two weeks...okay I lied...that was not fun. But when a 45 year old man pretends he is still as he was in his twenties and can do crazy things like drive from Erie, PA to Lansing, MI to surprise a girl (yes I love this man!) and home again in the same 20 hour period, something is bound to give. He didn't do the former this time however. He just worked too many hours trying to be his own version of "SuperKev" and wound up flat on his back with a virus for two weeks. Through this whole thing I was spectacular (if I do say so myself) and took good care of him even though it is not in my nature to care for anyone other than my children when they are sick. He doesn't ask for much...we are made for each other.

During the "time of sickness" we had a couple other things happen. The first would be the worst holiday known to man (other than sweetest day...which I won't even capitalize because I am a rebel)...Halloween...what a stupid thing. The kids like it though so I try to play along. This year was nice because my nephew Big Al and his girlfriend Kaylee wanted to carve pumpkins with Travis and Bryan so I did not have to.

For the joyous evening itself we were joined by our friend the"Frenchies" to eat hotdogs and trick or treat.Photobucket

I've found recently that I get so frustrated at how long it takes my pictures to load on photobucket that when I get about halfway through a blog post I quit because it is taking forever. I have reached that point right instead of quitting and denying all of "ya'll" the joy of reading my musings. I will pretend I was done right here. It seems like a good place to be done don't you agree...on the 31st of October? Before the joyous month of November starts (my favorite month of the year)

Stayed tuned the upcoming month we celebrate the day of Travis (which others would call a birthday) and some other random stuff that we do, that previously, before the days of the WWW (that is World Wide Web) would have remained private. But, now, joy of joys, our world can be shared with others! In words and pixels.
Blessings to you go do something more useful than this with your day.
The End.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the way you write.
    I think Halloween is stupid too and I also try and play along. Way down deep I cannot WAIT till it's over.
    Costume and posings are awesome.
    Love the rotted pumpkin. Gross, but I love it.
