Thursday, July 22, 2010

Well, I have a blog...bad news is I have nothing, of importance, to say. For all you who (whom?) have mocked me about making this blog. I hired (for no money mind you) a professional to help me set it up. Even she said they have changed things to make it more difficult then she remembered. So, even if I am incompetent, I am in good company.

So for those of you who decide to follow me, I apologize for the patheticness of your life. I will try to be funny to make it worth your time...but no promises.

So I will just begin with the last "adventure" we took. This is Bryan and Joey hanging out at the Learning Fair and the Jackson ISD. This little boat guy talked and Joey spent a lot of "mind time" trying to figure out how he (the boat) knew what was going on.

They stopped at the Home Depot booth to create a project. I believe the project was aptly titled "something useless that will sit around your house in the way but you will not be allowed to throw it out because your kid made it". Joey chose a periscope and Bryan a bean bag toss game.

This picture truly speaks of the wonder that is Joey and Bryan

So, there it is, my first blog post. I will be in touch.


  1. I will add your blog to my google reader and follow faithfully because my life is pathetic. But I'm not ashamed!

    Oh yeah, and BONER!

  2. I too am going to put this on my blog page as blogs I follow. Yippee!
    Hey, I'm serious about Crisilee coming over. Sophie JUST made a blog and Crisilee hooked her up too. Let me know if you need anymore help! Love the pics, can't wait to read more!

  3. I am not ashamed either. I have a pathetic life as well...mostly hang with my kids or by myself. Miss you guys already. My kids keep asking about Trav and Bryan.

  4. You did it! You blogged! And so many didn't believe. (and Joann's comment made me laugh.)
